Frequently Asked Questions​

We tell you everything you need to know

everything you need to know to ensure you safety and security

Protecting yourself from harm

We never ask for information other than your current address and contact details. Anyone no matter the circumstances that asks for your bank account details, payment of some kind or anything else you would consider private to you should be ignored. If in doubt report them to the police or refer the matter to some one you trust. We take our responsibilities very seriously that's why large pension companies and other corporations trust us to handle your data.

Why are you contacting me?

The regulated financial institution who is managing your pension (often referred to as the Administrator or Trustee) believe that you may have changed address or that there has been some other change in your circumstance which they are not aware of. They may for example of received returned post which was sent to your last known addressor it might be that you have reached pensionable age and they would like to discuss your options but have been unable to contact you

why you and not my pension company?

We are a specialist tracing company who locate people across the world for financial institutions who have lost contact with their customers for various reasons. Pension company's, Corporations who manage their own pension as well as Trustees and Administrators of pension schemes do not have the in-house expertise to perform this function. Our company consists of researchers, genealogists and investigators who perform this function daily. As a consequence these Pension providers ask us to perform this task on their behalf

cool things you should know


Our Service is Free

Our fees are paid for by your pension provider. If anyone ever asks you for money regarding your pension then you can be sure something is wrong


You are Covered by GDPR

The UK has very strict laws as to how your data is used. When you confirm your details with us they are passed to your pension provider the we delete your file. You will never have your information passed to third parties...ever.


The Pension industry is Constantly changing

The way pensions are administered has changed dramatically over the years. Many schemes have merged, and many others are managed by companies you might not recognise or associate with past employers.



We want to be very clear here. We totally understand that people are concerned as to our intentions when contacting them. The only information we seek is to confirm your address (with is a matter of public record) that we have traced you to and to request a contact method for you. That's it. Nothing else, no scams, no catch.


be prepared to wait

The pension industry doesn't move in a hurry. The time between confirming your details and hearing from your pension provider is likely to be weeks not days. If you have any concerns just contact us and we can chase it up for you.

find more information about your Pension and other useful resources